Coding Unix

Installing Node.js4 in Centos7 with Yum

A quick summary that may help people who are installing AngularJS v2 and need to make sure they have the latest stuff.

First off, CentOS does not use a recent version of Node,js or NPM due to, well, lots of reasons! In fact the version the repo has for Nodejs is ZERO and it is already up to 4, 5 and 6. So that’s pretty damn old. When I’m in the software store and the guy asks “hey, do you want version 6 of that software?”, I rarely find myself saying, “Nah, please hit me with version zero.” What software store do I speak of? Well, this one of course!

All your software needs conveniently located at the shopping mall

Anyway, here is what you do to get the version 4 for nodejs etc:

curl –silent –location | bash –

yum install -y nodejs

Unix Websites

Disable search in google chrome address bar

I dislike how Chrome has turned the address bar (also known as a “location bar” or “URL bar”) into an “Omnibox”. Since I run Chrome on my Linux box, and I have a bunch of test hosts defined in my /etc/hosts file, everytime I try to shortcut by just typing a dev hostname, Google pops up a damn search result!

There are some posted methods to avoid this. One was to check chrome://flags, which does have a bunch of nice settings, however my version of Chrome DID NOT have the one to do this!

Instead I found that creating my own search engine option was the solution. Go to chrome://settings/ and choose “Manage Search Engines”. In there, add a new one with “none”, “null” and “http://%s” as the options.

Boom! No more annoying forced search! Suck it, Omnibox!

OK, deep breath.


Amazon S3 forcing streaming or download

When you upload MP3 files into AWS S3, they will default to being a content-type that browsers will treat as a download (I believe “octet-stream”). If you want to change this so the delivery will be streaming, you need to change the content-type to “audio/mpeg” via the AWS console by editing “Properties” -> “Metadata”:

And if you want to revert back to forcing download, just remove the content-type metadata — note that there is no pulldown value for octet-stream!